• two people playing tennis on a court

Tennis & Basketball

Up for a quick one-on-one basketball game or a tennis doubles match? Look no further than our beautiful court! Call the Well & Being Spa and Fitness Center to reserve at 787.710.8225.

Open Daily | 6:00 am – 7:00 pm

The Ball’s In Your Court

Up for a quick one-on-one Basketball game or Tennis match? Look no further than our beautiful courts for a day of fun while improving your skills.

Resort guests receives complimentary access to tennis, basketball court and can access equipment by contacting the spa or picking up the necessary equipment for the courts at the fitness center.  Additionally, guests have access to locker rooms and showers located next to the tennis court facility.

Court reservations available from 6:00 am – 7:00 pm

To reserve call 787.710.8225 or email [email protected]

*Reservations required 8 hours in advance.

two people playing tennis on a court


Swing and score with Nelson, our multi-tournament winning Coach, offering private Tennis and group lessons.

Tennis court reservations available from 6:00 am – 7:00 pm

Tennis lessons – 7 Days a Week

Private lesson 1 HR – $100 PER PERSON

Group lesson 1HR – $150 PER PERSON (UP TO 6 PEOPLE)

To reserve call 787.710.8225 or email [email protected]

*Reservations required 8 hours in advance.

Resort guests receive complimentary access to Tennis equipment and can access equipment by contacting the spa or picking up the necessary equipment for the courts at the fitness center.  Additionally, guests have access to locker rooms and showers located next to the tennis court facility.


Nelson Laureano Colón was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He discovered his passion for this sport at age thirteen, attending several tournaments since and recognized 4.5 PRTA classified today.

Nelson has won several national as well as international tournaments including The Palmas Annual (becoming champion in doubles in three occasions 2002, 2006 and 2007), Torrimar (2007) and Santo Domingo (Casa de Campo 2002).

He has been teaching tennis lessons since 1998 at El San Juan Hotel and Casino in Isla Verde, Encantada Racquet Club in Trujillo Alto, Río Bayamón, Bayamón and Hacienda San José, Caguas and Palmas del Mar Resort among others.

Playing Experience:

2006 – Playing for the adult league team of the San Francisco Club in the categories of 4.5and becoming champion in the Sectional at Caribbean and then represented the Caribbean region in the Nationals in Hawaii. At the end of the year finished number one in 4.5 doubles category. 2004 – Rated in the category 5.0 masculine

2003 – Finalist of the Tournament Puerto Rico Open Doubles Series 2002 – Champion of the important tournament at the Casa de Campo in La Romana, in the category C-1 singles and Doubles Playing again for the San Francisco Club and becoming champion 4.5 men. At the end of the year finished number one in 4.5 single category. 2000 – Adult league 4.5 masculine at the Parque Central.

Becoming champion in the Adult Sectionals and then representing the Caribbean Region in the Nationals at Tucson, Arizona. Arriving third place in the Nationals. 1999 – Played for the adult league team of the Alberge at Salinas, becoming champion in the Adult Sectionals. Then went to Alabama to represent the Caribbean Region in the Nationals in Alabama. Teaching Experience: 2007 – Present ENCANTADA RACQUET CLUB -Private Tennis Classes – Adult and Children TennisClinics 1999-2007 HOTEL SAN JUAN AND CASINO – Private Tennis Classes

-Adult and Children Tennis Clinic – Management of the tennis court

2002 – 2006 RIO BAYAMON AND HACIENDA SAN JOSE Angel Díaz Tennis Academy -Adult and Children Tennis Clinics – Private Tennis Classes

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